Authors and Citation
Gábor Csárdi. Author.
Tamás Nepusz. Author.
Vincent Traag. Author.
Szabolcs Horvát. Author.
Fabio Zanini. Author.
Daniel Noom. Author.
Kirill Müller. Author, maintainer.
Maëlle Salmon. Contributor.
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Funder.
Source: inst/CITATION
Csardi G, Nepusz T (2006). “The igraph software package for complex network research.” InterJournal, Complex Systems, 1695.
@Article{, title = {The igraph software package for complex network research}, author = {Gabor Csardi and Tamas Nepusz}, journal = {InterJournal}, volume = {Complex Systems}, pages = {1695}, year = {2006}, url = {}, }
Csárdi G, Nepusz T, Traag V, Horvát Sz, Zanini F, Noom D, Müller K (2024). _igraph: Network Analysis and Visualization in R_. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7682609 <>, R package version, <>.
@Manual{, title = {{igraph}: Network Analysis and Visualization in R}, author = {Gábor Csárdi and Tamás Nepusz and Vincent Traag and Szabolcs Horvát and Fabio Zanini and Daniel Noom and Kirill Müller}, year = {2024}, note = {R package version}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7682609}, url = {}, }