See the links below for the implemented rewiring methods.
- graph
The graph to rewire
- with
A function call to one of the rewiring methods, see details below.
See also
Other rewiring functions:
g <- make_ring(10)
g %>%
rewire(each_edge(p = .1, loops = FALSE)) %>%
plot(layout = layout_in_circle)
print_all(rewire(g, with = keeping_degseq(niter = vcount(g) * 10)))
#> IGRAPH 974f36e U--- 10 10 -- Ring graph
#> + attr: name (g/c), mutual (g/l), circular (g/l)
#> + graph attributes:
#> | + name:
#> | [1] "Ring graph"
#> | + mutual:
#> | [1] FALSE
#> | + circular:
#> | [1] TRUE
#> + edges from 974f36e:
#> [1] 1--10 2-- 9 2-- 6 1-- 6 5-- 8 4-- 7 5-- 9 3-- 4 3-- 8 7--10