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In this model, each vertex is represented by a latent position vector. Probability of an edge between two vertices are given by the dot product of their latent position vectors.


sample_dot_product(vecs, directed = FALSE)




A numeric matrix in which each latent position vector is a column.


A logical scalar, TRUE if the generated graph should be directed.


Passed to sample_dot_product().


An igraph graph object which is the generated random dot product graph.


The dot product of the latent position vectors should be in the [0,1] interval, otherwise a warning is given. For negative dot products, no edges are added; dot products that are larger than one always add an edge.


Christine Leigh Myers Nickel: Random dot product graphs, a model for social networks. Dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, USA, 2006.


Gabor Csardi


## A randomly generated  graph
lpvs <- matrix(rnorm(200), 20, 10)
lpvs <- apply(lpvs, 2, function(x) {
  return(abs(x) / sqrt(sum(x^2)))
g <- sample_dot_product(lpvs)
#> IGRAPH f1a1905 U--- 10 31 -- 
#> + edges from f1a1905:
#>  [1] 1-- 3 1-- 4 1-- 5 1-- 6 1-- 9 1--10 2-- 3 2-- 4 2-- 6 2-- 8 2--10 3-- 5
#> [13] 3-- 7 3-- 8 3-- 9 3--10 4-- 5 4-- 9 4--10 5-- 6 5-- 7 5-- 9 5--10 6-- 7
#> [25] 6-- 8 7-- 8 7-- 9 7--10 8-- 9 8--10 9--10

## Sample latent vectors from the surface of the unit sphere
lpvs2 <- sample_sphere_surface(dim = 5, n = 20)
g2 <- sample_dot_product(lpvs2)
#> IGRAPH ea60362 U--- 20 130 -- 
#> + edges from ea60362:
#>  [1] 1-- 2 1-- 3 1-- 4 1-- 5 1-- 6 1-- 7 1-- 8 1-- 9 1--11 1--12 1--15 1--16
#> [13] 1--17 1--18 1--20 2-- 3 2-- 5 2-- 6 2-- 8 2--10 2--12 2--13 2--14 2--15
#> [25] 2--16 2--17 2--18 2--19 2--20 3-- 4 3-- 5 3-- 6 3-- 7 3-- 8 3-- 9 3--10
#> [37] 3--11 3--13 3--14 3--19 4-- 5 4-- 7 4-- 8 4--10 4--11 4--13 4--14 4--15
#> [49] 4--16 4--17 4--18 4--19 5-- 7 5-- 8 5--10 5--13 5--15 5--16 5--18 5--19
#> [61] 5--20 6-- 7 6-- 8 6-- 9 6--10 6--11 6--12 6--13 6--15 6--16 6--17 6--18
#> [73] 7-- 8 7--10 7--11 7--12 7--14 7--16 7--17 7--18 7--19 8-- 9 8--11 8--12
#> [85] 8--14 8--15 8--16 8--18 8--19 8--20 9--12 9--13 9--15 9--16 9--18 9--19
#> [97] 9--20
#> + ... omitted several edges